Turdiu: Balkan Has a Lot to Show to the Rest of the World

Sarajevo , Bosnia 

Balkan region has undisputable strenghts which must be used smartly in the process of developement

A long - time diplomat and current Deputy Secretary General at the Regional Cooperation Council told the Balkan Forum that the Western Balkan region has unique strengths which have grate potential for further development.
Turdiu listed the people of the Balkan region as a crucial resource.
“The people of the region have proven to be hard working, talented, successful, courageous,”
He mentioned business people to be always one step before the politicians, in terms of overpassing the problems which create obstacles in regional cooperation.
For him it’s crucial to motivate highly qualified people who cannot find jobs in the place the live in, to move within the region not outside of it. 
“This is why we’re trying to create additional opportunities for migration inside the region not outside”, he pointed out. The talks between the governments on mutual recognition of diplomas for specific professions, highly qualified groups should be confirmed until the end of 2017. 
According to Turdiu, geographic position should be seen as a strength not as a curse. 
“For your information there are around five hundred trucks a day travelling from Turkey to the Eastern Europe. This is an untapped potential for clustering of industries along these corridors,” he pointed out.
He mentioned culture heritage and tourism as great and undeveloped potentials.
“Green forests, deep blue seas, very rich cultural heritage, a lot to show to the rest of the world.”
Turdiu pointed out that before the crisis of 2008 the Western Balkan region had the fastest developing growth in Europe. 
“Now the growth is modest but steady, which means the signs are very good, and we very much hope that this process will be consolidated and pushed forward,” Turdiu told Balkan Forum.
“We want a better life for ourselves and to our people, and we’re trying to make this happen. I’m really encouraged that in last years is moving faster”
According to him, harmonizing policies is easy in the region, which is a sound ground for further and better regional cooperation, however there’s still to be done on building good communication and trust. 
Turdiu mentioned connectivity as a problem for the region, he also worries that economic cooperation within the region isn’t sufficient despite the fact that since decade there are tools facilitating such a cooperation.
He pointed out that no magic solutions can be provided to bring bigger prosperity to the region however.
“There is no panacea, nothing magic that can change situation from one day to another. The key to success is of course national governments implementing their development strategies, not only nationally, but even working closely with each other to make possible the whole region to progress,” he conluded. 

Video Interview: Gazmend Turdiu