Expert Board
and biography...


Dave Ward is a campaigning and media consultant in the UK with more than 20 years experience in the charity sector campaigning and lobbying for change on national and international issues. He has also worked in local and national government in the UK. Since visiting the Western Balkans 15 years ago he has kept a keen interest in the region and, over time visited Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, and Montenegro, with  Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia next on the list to visit. Dave was elected to serve on the council of the London Borough of Merton in May 2018 and sits on the Planning Applications Committee the the Board for Older People and Wellbeing, and recently joined the Board of Experts of the Balkan Forum


Panagiotis Tzannetakis joined HumanRights360 in October 2018, focusing on social innovation, networking, and program design and implementation. He collaborates with Omnes, a grassroots housing association in Kilkis on a part-time basis.

Prior to joining HumanRights360, Panagiotis was working with Help Refugees, co-founding the Greek branch of the grassroots charity, where he focused on fostering partnerships between diverse stakeholders, and supporting projects working towards the inclusion of newcomers. Panagiotis is a founding member of the Khora Community Centre in Athens. He is an associate of Symbiosis, Civic School of Political Studies, supporting in the organisations of seminars on urban practice and social inclusion.

He is a member of the Technical Steering Committee of ‘Curing the Limbo’, an Urban Innovative Actions funded pilot housing project in Athens, and recently joined the Board of Experts of the Balkan Forum. Panagiotis holds a BSc in Architecture, from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, and a BTEC in Art and Design from Byam Shaw School of Art, Central St.Martins.