Carbon neutral tourism crucial for the sustainable development

Podgorica, Montenegro

Modern tourism industry can be developed only based on the world environment responsibility curriculas, however main actors relevant for the industry in Montenegro remain uniformed.

Aleksandra Kikovic, Programme Manager at the Center for Sustainable Development in UNDP Montenegro told Balkan Forum that informing entrepreneurs, local public as well as state institutions about the world requirements in this field is one of the crucial steps to make touristic industry sustainable.

“We have a wide range of activities which inform individuals, entrepreneurs, institutions but also tourists what the carbon neutral tourism is and how can we decrease our negative influence to the environment, or if that’s impossible how to compensate it,” Kikovic noticed.

She claims this is a key milestone to be achieved in order to bring attention and interest of world biggest touristic companies to Montenegro.

“Big touristic companies like TUI or Neckermann before establishing a business partnership with local touristic players want to be sure that the companies they're planning to get engaged with are not only  certified as environment responsible and sustainable companies, but also that they have a mission to develop cooperation with local population and good employment practices,” she concluded.

She also highlighted that the regional cooperation is crucial in terms of tourism development for Montenegro, as the local market is small, and cannot cover all the needs of tourism industry.

“We bought recently five solar benches which have been produced in Serbia, this is an example of how important regional cooperation is in this field. The companies from the region can offer solutions which aren’t available in the local market. Montenegro is a small market, and it is of a crucial importance that we get best available technologies,” Kikovic told Balkan Forum.


Video Interview: Aleksandra Kikovic