Discussion with Vee Bougani, CEO/Co-founder, Sustainable Food Movement in Athens, Greece

Sustainable Food Movement is a social startup currently run by five people who inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly ethical consumption and production, works to tackle food waste and promote sustainability in the Greek hospitality industry, especially promote sustainable gastronomy in high-end hotels and restaurants. They created a Food Waste App for the Greek market at the moment, and are promoting innovation through education as a basic solution to address these issues, including through training chef’s and restaurants to become sustainable. They collaborate with national and international actors such as Impact Hub in Athens, French and Swedish Embassies, the Polish Circular Hotspot and a German think tank, and Reload Greece in London.

Watch below the Trailer with Vee.

Changing the mindset of people is key to move towards sustainability. Education, awareness, entrepreneurial events and most importantly good-will may help achieve this.

Vee says: “it’s not all about food waste it’s about sustainable cities, and we need to protect the resources that we have in our countries and internationally. Behind the food waste is zero hunger.”

Their motto is: “food use – no loss – no toss”.

Watch below the Webinar - the entire discussion with Vee.

To learn more about the Sustainable Food Movement and/or get in touch with Vee and her colleagues to explore potential for partnership and collaboration, follow this link https://www.sustainablegastronomy.eu