We should focus on the common values and cooperation to build a more stable and prosperous future which we all strive for

Isidora Sekulić Šoć is an editor at the Radio Television of Montenegro. She believes that good cooperation and a well-kept network between the countries of the region will lead us to a brighter and more prosperous future. 

Mrs. Sekulić Šoć believes that the essence of a sound cooperation between the countries in the region is the good talks, network, and acceptance of the common values we all share. As such, people of the region need to be close to one another and network in order to bring about cooperation which would lead to the well-being of all our nations. 

Furthermore, Mrs. Sekulić Šoć says that the region is going through a historical process of trying to become members of the European Union. Thus, we should all strive to cooperate and live in harmony especially for the future generations. Every state needs to do their part of fulfilling the requirements, however, they should all think of the process as one that will lead us all together in the big family of the EU. 

Finally, the people from this region, we all share common values and as such, we need to share and cooperate with one another. For example, Montenegro has made some progress in the process of EU integration. Kosovo can learn from this experience and use Montenegro as a source of inspiration and cooperation to reach the same achievement. Therefore, I believe that cooperation like this example, would lead the region to a more stable and prosperous future which we all strive for.  

Watch interview with Isidora Sekulić Šoć