A green and innovative way to grow mushrooms

Fisnik Kuqi is the founder of the mushroom farm called Our Roots - a green and innovative business. Fisnik has always been passionate about nature and mushrooms, as such he has searched for ways on how to grow them in an environmentally friendly manner.  

When he learned that mushrooms can be grown from coffee remains, his interest grew bigger and today he has a farm of mushrooms which are grown from coffee.  Fisnik, first learned about this opportunity on the internet, afterwards, he decided to go to the Netherlands to get training on how to grow these mushrooms. Since his training, Fisnik and his family have dedicated all of their time to this new innovative and green business.  The business has started in December 2016 and it can produce about 30 kg of mushrooms in a week, the quantity can be higher if there is more demand. The coffee waste to produce the mushrooms is taken from all coffee shops in Gjakova, from where the company is established. 

Although the business has started as a family production, in five years Fisnik plans to hire more workers and expand the business in all of Kosovo.  He says that by creating a network of producers we will be able to do something bigger for the country.