Cooperation is a win-win for all so let's raise above the past and talk about things which unite us

Robert Pszczel works as a Senior Officer for Russia and the Western Balkans in the Public Diplomacy Division at the NATO Headquarters. In his interview, Mr. Pszczel focused more on the importance of the cooperation between the countries of the region as the only way forward. 

Mr. Pszczel pointed out that the history of the Balkans is complicated, however, if there is a lesson we should learn based on our own experience, people must have learned by know that conflict is the past and not the future. Abiding certain standards whether they are NATO or EU at the end of the day are positive for the countries of the region: the rule of law, fighting corruption, strengthening institutions, resilience, etc. 

Furthermore, he stated that we need good stories from the region, and the stories can come only if people are convinced that cooperation, working in joint concrete projects, and that as a region we can be more attractive for the investors. That political cooperation means working together and having respect towards each other no matter what happened in the past. Although it is difficult, however, politics need to look forward, rise above the past, as cooperation is a win-win for all. 

Mr. Pszczel emphasizes that the region has moved forward and made big progress but it will not stop tomorrow and we need to continue working this way, as this is the only path to a more secure, stable and prosperous future for the Balkans.