Samir Beharić: Freedom of movement contributes to brain circulation and reconciliation processes

"When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a visa regime that exists between Bosnia and Kosovo; And in order to apply for a visa as I did now for this very conference, I had to apply for a visa of Kosovo in Skopje. So, I had to travel to another country, to another city to the Embassy of Kosovo in Skopje, because Bosnia and Herzegovina formally speaking does not recognize Kosovo, therefore there is no Embassy of Kosovo in Boznia and Herzegovina.  

In this case, the Embassy of Kosovo in Skopje was quite cooperative and they did isue visa on time, however I cannot compare myself to my colleagues, friends from Kosovo who really have tough time, you know not just travelling to Bosnia but also traveling exactly to the EU. For the EU I don’t need to go to any Embassy. As we have heard now, Egzona needs a visa to get a visa to study you know in Belgium which is abhorrent, it’s unacceptable, it’s immoral from the EU and at the end of the day you know it is violating the core principles of the EU, the principles of freedom of movement. And EU is in this way in this case is basically isolating the people that they need as allies.  Bringing young people together, you know to exchange, to circulate throughout the region does not only you know contribute them meeting each other, it also contributes to brain circulation that we need really to address and to recognize as something as very highly important for the region. It would contribute to the reconciliation process in the region, to the development processes in the region."