Slobodan Ranković: "Picture shown to us about situation in Kosovo is not true"

During the week of 15-21 August, 2018 Slobodan Ranković, student from Belgrade, Serbia, as part of the REACT project visited Kosovo for the first time. During his visit he met with organizations, institutions and visited a number of cultural and historical locations around the country.

Slobodan kicked of his visits in Kosovo, with meeting at the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth where he was welcomed by two of the Deputy Ministers Burbuqe Bakija-Deva and Boban Stanković. In this meeting among others, the discussion focused on the opportunities for cooperation among the regional institutions, specifically aiming the advancement of the youth.

In his next meeting, Slobodan met with representatives of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) office in Prishtina, where he was informed about the programs that YIHR has in Kosovo and their cooperation with other offices in the region. While in his meeting with the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in Kosovo, Slobodan had the opportunity to discuss with Krenare Gashi RYCO projects in Kosovo, how he as a young leader can benefit from such programs in order to strengthen regional cooperation between the
youth. When visiting the offices of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Kosovo, Slobodan met with its representatives as such, was informed in regards to Kosovo’s political and legislative processes. Finally, Slobodan’s visit ended with visiting two innovative organizations which operate in Kosovo in the last six years. First, he visited
the Innovation Center of Kosovo (ICK), where he was informed on how the organization operates, the digital opportunities that it provides for the youth in Kosovo and of innovative, digital business ideas. Finally, Slobodan concluded his meetings by visiting the young organization BONEVET. In this visit, he was informed about the programs that the organization provides for young generations to develop the new way of thinking in the field of technology.

Also, Slobodan had the opportunity to visit a number of key cultural-historic sites all around the country. His exploration, was not only focused in the capital, thus as part of the trip, Slobodan had the opportunity to pay a visit to a number of other cities as: Gjakove, Gracanica, Prizren, Pervalle, Rugove, Peje, Mitrovice, Strpce, and Ferizaj; and
the Assembly of Kosovo, the Memorial “Heroinat”; “Newborn”; Graqanica Monastery;
Gazi Mehmed Pasha Hamam, Decan Monastery, Old Baazar, Municipium Ulpiana-Justiniana Secunda, Prizren Castle, St. Spas Church, and Jupa’s Charshiya.