Successful woman

This video shows us that opportunities for success exist. Institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors, Professional Training Centers, all work together for the same goal: increasing employment, supporting businesses and new enterprises (start-ups) in Kosovo.

These should be seen as numerous opportunities for personal development, employment, start-up and business development.

Ardita Kastrati from Eko Mjalta in Dobërdol, Pejë is the beneficiary of the grant within the project "Equipping, Empowering and Employing youth, women and other disadvantaged groups in five municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo: Pejë, Istog, Klinë, Deçan and Junik", implemented by the organizations Syri i Viziont, The Balkan Forum in partnership with the Municipality of Istog, supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo.

Ardita started a small business and succeeded. We hope that other women will be motivated by Ardita's success and will follow their dreams.