Richness of diversity of our region - natural and cultural - represents a unique tourist attraction

24 May, 2017
Podgorica, Montenegro

Ms. Olivera Brajovic, General Director for Tourism Development and Standards Directorate, Ministry of sustainable development and tourism, speaks about the competitive advantage of our region; the richness of diversity that our region has to offer in terms of natural and cultural resources, which, united, can represent a unique tourist attraction, and a unique, diverse tourist product, yet in a small area.

She highlights the strategy of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative where there are several projects; apart from the 8 countries, members of the European Union, there are also 6 non-member states that develop joint projects: 7 joint tourism products by Montenegro and Serbia; cross-border cooperation between Montenegro - Kosovo - Albania; 8 new tourist products in the border areas between Montenegro and Croatia; tourist products between Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. And, the 16 + 1 initiative of the Central Eastern European countries towards China as a significant market for all of us and for the region

Ms. Brajovic says that we are in a way still exotic for Europe because of the bad events that happened in the Balkans; that this may be our advantage in terms of tourism, and indeed the manifold diversity, and the collision of cultures, civilization, the east and the west; the Islamic culture, the Christian culture, the remains of Byzantine culture, Illyrian culture. This is something you can’t find in other parts/countries of Europe.


Video Interview with Ms. Olivera Brajovic