Things can change with a different mindset and initiative

29 September, 2017
Skopje, Macedonia 

Various companies often conduct their repetitive work on the daily basis, but Marketing & Advertising McCann company from Skopje definitely could not be considered as one of them. 

Ms. Jelena Arsovska, Managing Director of Marketing & Advertising McCann company based in Skopje in her statement for The Balkan Forum described a considerably active but regular day in her company which usually involves interactions, eventually leading towards and resulting with major success. 

"Actually advertising agencies bring the good thing and my job is that you can not get lazy and get into routine, because they have to do different things everyday".

Ms. Arsovska in her statement emphasized several important issues, such as collaboration with her Creative Director which came from the neighboring state, Republic of Serbia as well as her interest in discovering talents within Macedonia. 

According to her, exchange of workforce between states can be considered as difficult process, especially among those who are not part of the European Union.

Jelena Arsovska also raised her concerns about migration of youth and brain drain from Macedonia, especially when taking into consideration better living and working conditions offered outside of the borders. 

Watch Jelena Arsovska Interview