Tomislav Perušić, Student in the University of Belgrade, Serbia

We change things through visits between Kosovo and Serbia, and by knowing each other better” 

Tomislav Perušić is a student from Serbia, who studies the Albanian Language at the University of Belgrade. In this interview for The Balkan Forum, he speaks about his frequent visits to Kosovo and his passion of learning Albanian, the importance of living with other communities and participating in different cultural and other positive initiatives organized in the region. 

Tomislav points out that we need to think beyond of what has happened in the past, and so not have prejudices towards other people. Moreover, he speaks about the barriers in educational policies in Kosovo and Serbia that do not enable him to do a Master’s Degree in Prishtina next year, since Serbia does not issue documents for Kosovo.

Therefore, according to him the only way to overcome such barriers and make a change is to organize visits between Kosovo and Serbia, so that people get to travel and know each other better, and learn about each other’s language, culture, music, arts, etc. 

Interview with Tomislav Perušić