This is a snapshot to the progress, including key challenges and opportunities to the WB6 to fulfill their pledges and achieve their goals in further advancing the connectivity. It starts with a short introduction of the Connectivity Agenda, followed by a brief country-by-country overview, and conclusions.
In 2014, the Western Balkans countries pledged to make connectivity a priority so as to reach the goals of the Berlin Process. Since then a multitude of projects were undertaken or are currently underway. Special emphasis has been put on the preparation and financing of concrete regional infrastructure investment projects, but also on the implementation of technical standards and accompanying reform measures such as aligning and simplifying border crossing procedures, railway reforms, information systems, road safety and maintenance schemes and unbundling. Despite these positive steps, all WB countries remain considerably behind the European Union average infrastructure. Progress in connectivity is hindered by lack of funding and a lack of regional coordination on tackling these issues.
This briefing was written by Marina Patricia Queins and Bruno A. Möller. Comments were provided by Nita Bicurri and Ben Jones. It was edited by Gresa Rrahmani and designed by Bernard Nikolla.