Mijenjajući odnos prema okolišu: zašto se prebaciti s “crne” na “zelenu” energiju

Zsolt Bauer je menadžer Odjela za Europu - Projekt klimatske realnosti u Mađarskoj. U intervjuu je Bauer istakao kako kao društvo moramo preusmjeriti svoje misli i djelovanja prema promjeni statusa quo sa staklene bašte ka obnovljivoj energiji. Ističe i kako mi kao društvo svakodnevno zagađujemo naš okoliš s 10 milijuna tona staklene bašte što je ravno 400 tisuća nuklearnih bombi kao one bačene na Hirošimu. Stoga, moramo početi djelovati i mijenjati naš dosadašnji način života jer za 50 godina možda nećemo moći sjediti tu gdje sjedimo jer ćemo biti prekriveni morem. Prema tome, rješenje koje uvijek moramo razmotriti jest zatvaranje elektrana i rudnika uglja tako da omogućimo pravednu tranziciju onima koji strepe od gubitka posla. Na taj im način pomažemo transformirati svoje poslove koji se potencijalno mogu povezati s obnovljivom energijom, te možemo poboljšati svoj život u budućnosti.

Furthermore, Mr. Bauer states that saving energy is one of the main actions that we can take, however, we are all citizens and as such we all have voting power. We have the right to vote for politicians, thus, we need to pressure them to have a plan for renewable energy and dealing with climate change. He believes that if we are always asking our politicians how we can solve this problem, after a while they have to change the way they develop messages and make decisions. 

Finally, Mr. Bauer says that in Central-eastern Europe and Central Europe, the lifestyle that people are used to living until now is a big challenge that we need to surpass. Our homes are not isolated properly, our energy systems are outdated, out attitude and behavior is not up to 21st Century. Thus, we need to reconsider our lifestyle and how we consume, not only energy but also the food that we eat. If we turn away from this trend of fast fashion it means that we are changing the attitude and as individuals, we can contribute to the solution as well. Subsequently, Mr. Bauer considers that we need to understand that there is life beyond coal and fossil fuels. Countries like Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro need to work towards shifting this attitude as such, turned into a future from “black” to “green.” This would give an opportunity to the development of eco-tourism and thus, attract visitors from Western Europe and from the world to visit the countries and show environmental values.  

Interview with Zsolt Bauer 


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