Panairi i Artizanateve dhe Trashëgimisë Kulturore organizuar në Prishtinë nga data 23 korrik 2019, financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian nën menaxhimin e Zyrës së Bashkimit Evropian në Kosovë përmes Programit të Bashkëpunimit ndërkufitar Kosovë- Maqedonia e Veriut 2014-2020.
According to Gazeta Blic, the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, Fehmi Mehmeti, said Kosovars living in different countries of the world are still sending money to Kosovo and they are one of the three main pillars of Kosovo's economy. "In 2018, 800 million euros were sent to Kosovo and this is an annual increase of 5.5%. Even 1 billion euros are travel expenses that we believe are realized by non-resident residents of Kosovo, and in this case are also migrants. The amount goes up to 1.8 billion euros for a year, "he said in the" STRIKE "show on Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK3). According to him, it would be good for remittances to be invested in Kosovo's development economy and not just for consumption that is being spent today in Kosovo.
The Government of Kosovo has adopted the concept-document on Tourism. INDEP, supported by the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation – KCSF and using the advantages of the Public Consultation Platform has contributed to the adoption of a more comprehensive and qualitative concept-paper on Tourism.
Greek airline company, Aegean Airlines, confirmed the launch of flights between Athens and Sarajevo in 2019, which proves the growth of its network in countries of the former Yugoslavia.According to media reports, the Greek airliner will maintain two weekly services between the two capitals starting next summer, on June 13, with flights to operate each Thursday and Saturday with the 78-seat Dash 8 turboprop aircraft
Tourism minister of Greece Elena Kountoura hosted a meeting with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) head in Shanghai, Yang Jianrong and a Chinese delegation that included nine businessmen and representatives of the CCPIT who are visiting Greece.
The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Framework of the country's Energy Strategy until the year of 2035, at their last sessionChairman, Denis Zvizdić, said that the pre mentioned result means that BiH institutions finally completed the job on the adoption of the package of four crucial strategies for the economic and infrastructural development of the country.
“Këtë vit kemi një rritje të rëndësishme të numrit të turistëve dhe afro gjysmë miliardi euro më shumë të futur në ekonomi nga turizmi, sesa vitin e kaluar”.
Sezoni turistik ende nuk ka përfunduar, por sipas Kryeministrit Rama, tani është momenti i duhur për të bërë disa komunikime, për të transmetuar disa konkluzione dhe hedhur bazat për të çuar më tej punën e mirë të nisur.
Aksioni kundër informalitetit në zonat turistike vazhdon, ndërkohë Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Tatimeve thotë se janë mbi 1.500 biznese të reja të regjistruara në zonat turistike nga 1 qershori deri më 13 gusht, ose 58% më shumë sesa e njëjta periudhë e një viti më parë
Shqipëria është kthyer ne4 një nga destinacionet më të mira turistike të vitit edhe pse për tri dekada ajo ka qenë e izoluar nga pjesa tjetër e botes. Sot, ajo pranon turizmin e ardhshëm, duke mirëpritur turistēt nga gjithë vendet, pasi është një nga vendet më të bukura në rajonin e Ballkanit.
Tokom prvih šest mjeseci 2018. godine u Sloveniji je zaposleno 7.010 radnika iz BiH, dok je u Njemačkoj do 14. augusta zaposleno 607 radnika iz BiH i to svi na poslovima medicinske njege, podaci su Agencije za rad i zapošljavanje BiH.
Mbi 18.3 për qind më e lartë është vlera e deficitit tregtar në muajin korrik të këtij viti krahasuar me periudhën e njëjtë të vitit të kaluar. Në mungesë të prodhimit Kosova ka importuar mallra në vlerë prej 309 milionë eurosh apo 12.3 për qind më shumë se në korrikun e vitit të kaluar, shkruan sot “Koha Ditore”.
23 gusht 2018 - Konsorciumi Kosovar për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshem (KOSID) shprehë indinjatën dhe kundërshtimin ndaj vendimit të Bordit të Zyrës së Rregullatorit për Energji (ZRRE) për rritjen e nivelit të humbjeve të KEDS dhe ngarkimin e kësaj kostoje te qytetarët e Kosovës. ZRRE ka shkelur mandatin për të mbrojtur interesin publik dhe duke përdorur me arbitraritet pushtetin e vet, ka vendosur t’ia faturojë humbjet e një kompanie private, të gjithë qytetarëve të Kosovës.
The Serbian economy grew by a whopping 4.5 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2018, well above the forecast of 3.1 per cent. The data was released on April 30 by the Serbian Statistical Office. Full details will not be published until the end of May, but investment is believed to have played a key role in the upsurge in growth, which has come as a surprise to most analysts
Official data from the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Fraport and Athens International Airport for the January-July period points to a major upsurge in people travelling to the country.Fraport, the German company that operates 14 regional airports, showed a 13.7 percent increase in arrivals for the January-March 2018 period compared to the same period in 2017.
Greece may be ready to exit the third bailout program on Aug. 21, but educated Greeks who have sought work abroad in the years of the economic crisis do not seem likely to return to their homeland. And this is one of the biggest impediments to the country’s long-term recovery and sustainability, the U.K. newspaper has written.
No matter tonight's result, Croatia remains one of the holiday destinations growing fastest in popularity among British travellers, with 1.4 million visiting in the first half of 2018, up from just over a million in the same period of 2017.
Kada pričamo o Lici onda najčešće govorimo o ljepotama Plitvica, Velebita ili Gacke doline, no postoji i onaj neotkriveni dio istočne Like odnosno ličkog pounja. Tamo gdje izvire rijeka Una i gdje je prelijepi Štrbački buk uz kojeg nastaje Park Arboretum. Stanovnici toga kraja vjeruju kako će uz te ljepote uskoro krenuti razvoj turizma.
Sa ITEP visoke škole stižu odlične vijesti za sve koji žele da ostvare karijeru u ekonomiji ili preduzetništvu.Upišite odsjek Poslovna ekonomija i preduzetništvo na ITEP-u i, pored cijenjenog zvanja diplomiranog ekonomiste, obezbijedite sebi besplatnu specijalizaciju na BusinessAcademy u vrijednosti i do 2.500 evra, kao i mogućnost sticanja međunarodnih Cambridge certifikata.
Economies in Europe and Central Asia continued an active program of reforms to improve their business climate, to create jobs and spur growth, according to the 15th anniversary edition of the World Bank Group’s annual Doing Business report.
Depending where you come from, it could be Shkodra, Shkodër or Scutari, but to most visitors it's known as Lake Skadar.The lake is untouched by development or commercialization -- at least for now. Although there are concerns that Porto Skadar Lake Project, a new "eco-resort" on the lake, could threaten the ecosystem and rare species, including many that are endemic.
Shqipëria gjithnjë e më shumë po behet atraktive për të huajt të cilët kanë rritur preferencat për të kaluar pushime në Shqipëri. Çmimet ende të lira të kombinuara me një varietet mundësish për turizmin e detit dhe aventurës po tërheqin vizitor.
Officials in the Adriatic country expect the 2018 holiday season to beat the previous record year of 1987 – and earn Montenegro nearly a billion euros.
Montenegro has high hopes of a record summer season this year. Despite having a coastline that is only 300 kilometres long, it expects to earn around a billion euros from tourism in 2018 – up from less than 900 million euros in 2017.
U Bosni i Hercegovini u mjesecu maju 2018. turisti su ostvarili 150.265 posjeta, što je više za 18,1 posto odnosu na april 2018. i za devet posto više u odnosu na maj 2017. godine.Turisti su u maju ostvarili 287.117 noćenja, što je više za 16,6 posto u odnosu na april 2018. i za 7,4 posto više u odnosu na maj 2017 godine. U ukupno ostvarenom broju noćenja učešće domaćih turista u maju bilo je je 31,7 posto dok je 68,3 posto bilo učešće stranih turista, podaci su Agencije za statistiku BiH.
Në fjalën e tij, kryeministri shqiptar, Edi Rama deklaroi se Shqipëria dhe Mali i Zi sot janë “më të ndërlidhur se kurrë më parë”, por shtoi se “në këtë ndërlidhje ka potenciale të mëdha të pashfrytëzuara.”Edhe kryeministri i Malit të Zi, Dushko Markoviq, nënvizoi nga ana e tij se duhet avancuar në bashkëpunimin ekonomik mes Shqipërisë dhe Malit të Zi
Albania is ready to take up its role as head of the Energy Charter Conference in 2019, in view of the 29th meeting of its members on 27-28 November 2018, in Bucharest. In this context, Slovak diplomat and Energy Charter Secretary General, Urban Rusnák met with the Albanian Minister and Albanian Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Damian Gjiknuri and Dorina Cinari, Deputy Foreign Minister Etjen Xhafaj, Attorney General Alma Hicka, Executive Director of the National Agency for Natural Resources, Adrian Bylyku and Entela Cipa, responsible for Energy Efficiency.
The next summit in the framework of the Berlin Process, an initiative aimed at strengthening regional cooperation and European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, will be held in London on July 9 and 10. Since the launch of the initiative at the Berlin summit in 2014, each of the following years, one summit was held, in Vienna in 2015, in Paris in 2016 and in Trieste in 2017.
The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) officially marked on Thursday, in Sarajevo the beginning of its project dedicated to the development and promotion of tourism in the Western Balkans.The project will help six Western Balkans economies to diversify and consolidate their cultural and adventure tourism products, build and promote a joint offer, which would be competitive on the international market and generate further revenues and jobs.
Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said the European Commission would immediately start the preparations that would hopefully lead to opening EU accession talks for Macedonia and Albania in mid-2019.“We are tasked to start immediately with the preparatory work, so hopefully we don’t lose any time, we don’t wait for autumn to start the work”, Hahn told an interview.
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, said: "Digital is by definition borderless, spanning regions and continents. Today's Digital Assembly will see the launch of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans, following on from the clear commitment expressed by EU leaders in the statement of support signed in Sofia on 17 May. The aim of the event is to ensure that the citizens of the Western Balkan region can fully reap the benefits of the fast-paced and inevitable digital transformation. The commitment to the Digital Agenda will ensure that citizens have the skills to match the demands of the new economy and will help modernise public administrations, strengthen cybersecurity, increase connectivity, and improve the business climate."
The hotel rooms available for tourists to book for their 2018 Greek island dream vacation are filling up fast.On the smaller, more popular islands in Greece, hotels are experiencing a room shortage this summer. If tourists want to get a good deal and be sure of availability on their 2019 summer vacation in Greece next year, particularly if visiting the Cyclades or Ionian Islands, now is the time to book..
Danilovgad, Montenegro (18 June 2018)--121 youngsters from different parts of Montenegro got three hives with established bee colonies through the Public Invitation for the grant of support for young beekeepers-beginners for 2018, which is being implemented this year through Agro Budget.
This year, an increase of the number of employees by 2.7 % can be expected in BiH on an annual level, as well as the increase of the average salary by 1.9 %, according to the Directive for economic planning BiH in the “Outlook of Perspective”.
With China’s agreement on a mutual visa-free regime with Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) going into effect on May 29, 2018, BiH authorities anticipate it will bring great number of Chinese tourists here, accompanied by enhanced bilateral relations with China.
The Croatian Operator Transmission System (HOPS) and the Croatian Electricity exchange (CROPEX) formally linked the Croatian electricity market with the European Multiregional Electricity Market (MRC), which was the first successful project of this kind for the Republic of Croatia.
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year, NED makes more than 1,600 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries.
Nemačke kompanije sve više traže dobavljače iz Srbije zbog konkurentnih cena i dobrog kvaliteta.
Više od 30 srpskih kompanija je danas održalo B2B sastanke na Danu dobavljača u Frankfurtu sa ukupno 133 kompanije iz Nemačke, u okviru projekta "Nemačka inicijativa za pronalaženje dobavljača u državama Zapadnog Balkana".
Macedonia’s Parliament adopted on Wednesday the law on ratification of the First Agreement for the settlement of the differences as described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the termination of the Interim Accord of 1995 and the establishment of partnership agreement.
Ministri i Zhvillimit Ekonomik, Valdrin Lluka, deklaroi se bursa e përbashkët e energjisë shërben për të vendosur një çmim referent në tregun vendor, i cili mundëson likuiditet më të madh dhe zhvillim të konkurrencës në treg, ndërsa bashkimi me tregut të energjisë Kosovë-Shqipëri ndikon në mirëqenien ekonomike të të dyja vendeve dhe do të sjellë përfitime.
Diaspora vazhdon të jetë burim financiar për familjet dhe ekonominë kosovare, ku vetëm për tre muajt e parë të këtij vitit kanë shënuar 170 milionë e 500 mijë euro që është një rritje prej 7.1 milionë euro më shumë se periudha e njëjtë e vitit të kaluar.
Under the deal, the country known at the United Nations as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Fyrom) will be named Severna Makedonija, or Republic of North Macedonia.Its language will be Macedonian and its people known as Macedonians (citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia).
On 5 June 2018 Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and Mr Kujtim Gashi, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo, signed an Agreement for the participation of Kosovo in Creative Europe
Burimet e ripërtërira bashkë me efiçiencën e energjisë janë një ndër faktorët kryesorë të tranzionit të energjisë, ndonëse në Kosovë tranzicioni në këtë fushë kërkon ndryshim total të prodhimit, pasi vendi ynë është prodhues i energjisë me thëngjill mbi 95 për qind.
Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare, KESH sh.a., si prodhuesi me i madh i energjisë elektrike nga burimet ujore në rajon, ka projektuar të ndërtojë një panel me sipërfaqe 118 mijë metra katrorë mbi liqenin e Vaut të Dejës, duke shmangur zënien e hapësirave tokësore dhe shfrytëzimin më të mirë të diellit mbi zonën ujore, bën të ditur ATSH.
Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Minister Rasim Ljajic and Albanian Minister of Tourism and Environment Blendi Klosi have signed a cooperation agreement.The document signed on Tuesday in Belgrade concerns the field of tourism, and seeks to improve the tourist offer of the two countries, in order to jointly take part on the third markets....
The Western Balkans have a real and measurable impact on European stability and security. The myriad political, economic, and security challenges vexing the region today threaten to stoke instability that could affect the rest of Europe. Should it do so, the call for resources and commitments from the Unites States will be significant—as it has been in the past. The Balkans’ problems are not insurmountable: they do not require new institutions, or a significant financial or military commitment on the part of the United States. Rather, the solution requires working through two bodies already present in the region: the E.U. and NATO...