The countries in the region have some common features. Youth unemployment is one of them which in Albania is about 28%.
The National Agency of Vocational Education Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ/AKAFP) of Albania is part of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) which is a regi ...
It is very important that tourism offers a chance to some small, micro producers, households, to be involved in the whole story and offer their products.
Albanian journalist - media co-operation in the region today is so natural that it should continue to happen.
There is an enormous potential and need to establish regional cooperation.
We have taken all good practices and tried to incorporate in our academy.
Ms.Ivona Simic says that in creation of the law on our national academy, we took some ...
Video Interview Nenad Djurdjevic
Dr. Marija Risteska – “most important is the attitude of openness and cooperation that should be kept at very high level. And, maturity and curiosity of what others are doing and how can ...
Anita Mitic, Director, YIHR Serbia: people in the region connect more things than divide, high unemployment especially among youth. People are more afraid from the unknown than from the enemy.
Boris Raonic, President of Gradjanska Alijansa in Montenegro, speaking about the ecological, economic and development impact of energy efficiency measures...
Leonida and Metodi speak passionately about their work and regional tourism. They stress the importance of connecting on government, NGO, business sector, individual level among the countries in th ...
Rade Rajkovcevski cooperation between educational institutions in the region, and between universities and private sector